About the people of NLVF
We love the Lord Jesus Christ first!We love Sunday morning church!
We love coffee.
We love great music.
We love the great preaching.
We love the people we sit with each week.
We would love to have you and your family come and join us!
The Lord loves Lac La Biche... and so do we!
Basic Purpose of New Life Victory Church
Evangelism-to reach every available person at every available time by every available means with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Discipleship-to establish them in the local church, teaching and training them to become like Christ.
Mobilization-to mobilize the army of God, to help each person to find his or her place and function in the Body of Christ.
The Basic Purpose of Victory Churches Canada
To raise up and release 5-fold ministry gifting into Holy Spirit directed service.
To plant church-planting churches to work together for the purpose of reproducing leaders and churches.
To give apostolic oversight and direction to churches planted.
Our Beliefs & Values
We Believe:
1. In one true and living God, eternally existing and revealed to us as the Father, creator of all things; the Son, Jesus Christ, God incarnate; and the Holy Spirit.
2. In the deity of Jesus Christ , His virgin birth, death for our sins, bodily resurrection, ascension unto God, and imminent return in power and glory.
3. The Holy Scriptures are the inspired and complete revelation ofGod’s will concerning man’s salvation through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
4. That men are saved solely through faith in God’s grace as displayed in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
5. In water baptism as a public declaration that a believer has died with Christ and risen with Him to walk a life of holiness and love.
6. In the unity of all true believers as members of the universal body of Christ regardless of denominational affiliation.
7. In the celebration of the Lord’s Supper as a remembrance ofJesus.
8. In the ministry of the Holy Spirit:
a) by the inward witness of salvation to the believer.
b) by the daily guidance and the growth of Christ-like character.
c) by the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, and experience distinct from and following the new birth, evidenced initially by the speaking with other tongues, and subsequently by the manifestation of the spiritual power in public testimony and service.
d) by the manifestation of the supernatural gifts of the Spirit as listed in 1 Cor 12:8-10.
9. That Jesus Christ is coming again to gather all His saints unto Himself. Those who have not accepted His redemptive work on their behalf will suffer eternal separation from the Godhead.
10. That following His return Jesus Christ will rule and reign for one thousand years on the earth. After this there will be a new heaven and a new earth.
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